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Tooth Extractions

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Restore Your Oral Health

Tooth extraction is a very common procedure and is usually performed to restore or preserve the health of the mouth. Most of the time, extraction is very straightforward. While wisdom teeth are usually removed as a preventative measure, other teeth may need to be removed due to decay, disease, or injury. A tooth may also be recommended for removal as a part of a larger oral surgery or orthodontic treatment.

If the tooth in question requires replacement, your options for tooth replacement include dental implants and All-on-4® treatment concept. To replace the extracted tooth with a dental implant, a bone graft may be required. This will be discussed with you and your doctor during your consultation appointment. Options for anesthesia will also be discussed.

Reasons for Tooth Extraction

For most patients, a tooth will be recommended for removal because it either cannot be saved or it is affecting the health of the other teeth in the mouth. If one of your teeth has been recommended for extraction, you may be referred to an oral surgeon for treatment. The most common reasons for tooth extraction include:

  • Decay
  • Injury
  • Dental crowding
  • Infection
  • Impaction
  • Periodontal (gum) disease
  • Root canal failure

Types of Anesthesia

Canyon Oral & Facial Surgery offers several types of anesthesia and sedation.

Hear From Tooth Extractions Patients

These patients can tell you about their firsthand experience undergoing tooth extractions at our office.

Tooth Extraction in Las Vegas and Henderson, NV

We create customized treatment plans for every patient and make every effort to ensure our patients feel safe and welcome at our practice. Canyon Oral & Facial Surgery offers the full scope of oral surgery procedures, including general tooth extraction. If you or your child have been recommended for a tooth extraction, please contact us today.

Providing an Exceptional Patient Experience

Get exceptional patient care from trusted board-certified oral surgeons. Contact Canyon Oral & Facial Surgery to schedule a consultation and find out how we can improve your oral health and confidence.