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Tubes Under Local Anesthesia (TULA)

Children can get middle ear infections when they have a cold or other respiratory infection. Recurrent ear infections and/or persistent fluid in the middle ear may become a chronic problem leading to other issues such as hearing loss, behavior and speech problems. When this occurs, ear tube surgery, which is an insertion of ear tubes by an ENT doctor, may be considered.

Ear tubes may reduce the risk of future ear infection, restore hearing loss caused by fluid in the ear, improve speech and balance problems, and improve behavior problems related to ear infections.

Historically, ear tube surgery has required surgery while your child is under general anesthesia. After which you are reunited with your child in a recovery area.

With the Tula system, your child’s inner ear is numbed using special earplugs, and ear tubes are inserted using a special Tula device. 

Benefits of Ear Tubes with Tula System

  • Your child does not need to fast before the procedure.
  • You are never separated from your child during the procedure.
  • The time in the doctors offices lasts around 45 minutes, compared to the 2-3 hours it historically took with the surgical procedure.

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